Save Your Hips! YAMUNA Workshop

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Save Your Hips! YAMUNA Workshop

Save Your Hips! YAMUNA Workshop, Saturday April 7th (11:15 am to 12:45 pm)

Save Your Hips offers a very deep workout to guarantee freeing restrictions and increasing your range of motion in your hips in places you didn’t even know were tight! You will get into areas of your hip joints that have been wearing down over the years without you ever knowing it. This workshop helps you to prevent breakdown in the hip joints and prevent hip replacements if you have worked out hard in your life. You can feel absolutely fine and all the sudden start to feel restricted as you get up from sitting. You do not have to accept stiffness in your hips and legs as part of the aging process! Everyone is encouraged to have this in his/her toolbox of self-care tools.

Save Your Hips